Karthik Madhusoodhanan
General Secretary
Sandra Sunil
Vice President
Geethu V A
Joint Secretary & Secretary, Debate Society
Gayathri Suresh
Secretary, Arts Club
S Anupama
Secretary, Sports Club
Jerome V Sheen
NUALS Magazine Editor
Aysha Aazmy Moideen
Representative to the Alumni Association/All India NLU Students’ Consortium Representative
Gokul K Sunoj
Students’ Grievance Redressal Forum Head
Prahlad S P
Representative to the Alumni Association
Snehal Kaushal
Students’ Council Nominee to the NUALS Law Journal
Ahamed Nazar
Sreeram Sajith
NSS Coordinator
Dheeraj C Biju
Legal Aid Coordinator
Bhavana Ashok
Legal Aid Forum Coordinator
Millennian S
Blood Donation Coordinator
Jasi Sapna S
Law and Society Forum Head
Ria Jean
SC/ST Welfare Committee Coordinators
Alfia Latheef
Anamika M J
Co-ordinator, NUALS Quiz Club
Aadil Muhammed Syed
Secretary, MUN Forum
Pooja P M
Secretary, Economic Forum
Joel Varghese Koshy
Vikramchandra Rao
Students’ Council Public Relations
Anamika S Dinesh
Students’ Representative, PTA
Alan James Chitinappilly Anaanya Liz Thomas
Library Committee Coordinator
Elizabeth Scaria
Technical Committee Coordinators
Amritha K H
Ashish Mishra
Centre Activities Nodal Contact
D A Anu Nair
Hrishav Dasgupta
Fund Raising & Partnership
D A Anu Nair
Adithi Manoj
Drafting in Charge
Anju S Ghosh
Akhil Kumar K S