The National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS) was established by Act 27 of 2005 of the Kerala State Legislature
NUALS offers a Five Year B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Degree Programme. From the 2009 Admissions the course is offered under the Choice Based Credit & Semester System. The Five Year Programme is divided into Ten Semesters i.e., there are two semesters in each academic year. As part of its B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Degree Programme the University offers courses on frontier areas of law such as Maritime Law, Media & Telecommunications Law, Forensic Science, Psychological Medicine & Law. The teaching pedagogy is non-conventional with a combination of various methods of law teaching – lectures, discussions, case study, moot courts and project work. The lectures periodically delivered by eminent judges, distinguished jurists and reputed visiting fellows provide opportunity for more academic and intellectual discourses. There is continuous internal assessment of student performance. In order to develop analytical skills and critical faculties and to keep the students abreast with the changes in law and social mores, seminars and debates on recent cases and legal developments are held regularly.