LIBRARY RULES & Regulations

  • The Library shall be open from 8.45 A.M. to 11 P.M. on all working days, or during such other time as may be decided by the Vice-Chancellor.
  • Silence shall be maintained in the Library. Members are not allowed to use Mobile phone inside the library. Group discussion, combined study, rearrangement of chairs shall not be permitted in the Library.
  • Members shall not bring their bags and other personal belongings except paper, pen and laptop computer in the Library.
  • Reference facility for outsiders shall be permitted only with the permission of the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor.
  • Students (LLB) shall be issued two Borrowers’ Tickets LLM foe Three Borrowers’ Ticket and members of the faculties shall be issued Ten Borrowers’ Tickets. One book would be issued against each ticket (Borrowers’ Tickets are not transferable).If the Member has lost his/her borrower’s ticket he/she has to report to the library and a duplicate borrower’s ticket will be issued after levying a fine of Rs.100/-
  • The classified arrangement of books according to their numbers is being maintained for the convenience of the users. On no account, shall books be re-shelved by the members.
  • Members are not permitted to write, underline, highlight and draw pictures on pages of books. The students found indulging in such activities shall be required to pay the value of the book.
  • Members shall be responsible for any damage or loss caused by them to the books or any other property belonging to the library and shall be required to pay the penalty imposed upon them by the Librarian/Competent Authority.
  • If any book is reported as lost, the members shall be required to replace the same, with a copy of the latest edition of the book, immediately. If the same is not replaced within a month he/she has to make good the loss by paying the current actual cost of the book plus 2/3 of the cost or the amount as fixed by the Registrar/Librarian considering the value and utility of the book.
  • The members found tearing pages/unauthorized removal of books from the library shall not be permitted to use the Library facilities and they shall be liable for further disciplinary action as per the rules of the University.
  • Journals, both bound and loose issues, question papers and newspapers shall not be issued on loan. However, these can be taken for one hour for the purpose of photocopying after surrendering the borrowers’ ticket at the counter. Members, shall leave the library ten minutes before the closing of the library before leaving the library, shall show the materials borrowed or taken out of the Library to the Library Staff for checking.
  • Books shall be issued for a period of seven days to the students and thirty days for the faculty from the date of issue, it can be renewed one time.
  • Books shall be duly returned within the allotted period. If they are not returned within the allotted period , overdue charges at Rs.5/- per day shall be levied.
  • Upon any violation of the Library Rules members, shall forfeit the privileges of admission and membership of the Library.
  • RESERVATION: A member can reserve at a time one book as he/she is eligible to borrow, which has been issued out. The Reservation card is available at the Circulation Counter This is to be filled up and presented the counter.