Every person in our society is a consumer in some way and a producer in another. We either provide services or products for sale or consume them. When there are such massive amounts of transactions of this nature occurring everyday in our lives, it is not hard to imagine the number of disputes arising from such consumer-producer/seller relations. However consumer law has still not acquired prominence in our country. The difference between consumer complaints actually filed in comparison to the number of consumers with a complaint is very wide. And the number of such consumers whose disputes have been resolved are even more upsetting. There needs to be a change in this scenario and it is the legal fraternity that will have to take it upon themselves to raise awareness among consumers regarding their rights and help them fight for the same.
Thus at CCPLaP, we understand the importance of consumer rights and of protecting them. We have taken the initiative of setting up a legal aid cell which serves to provide legal opinion to the public in matters of consumer disputes. We shall also serve to act as a bridge between complainants and consumer redressal agencies. It shall be our aim to provide assistance to consumers seeking to approach the judiciary for redressal of their grievances.
Centre for Consumer Protection Law And Policy, The National University of Advanced Legal Studies Email: ccplap@nuals.ac.in
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